Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baghchal - Defining the Interaction Framework


1. Define Form Factor, Posture, and Input Methods

  • The game will be played on website. It will be accessed with different resolution monitors. But it will designed on 600 x 800 screen real estate.
  • The game will be played using mouse. Mouse move, like click and drag will be the main move to play the game. Other mouse function like Click will be used as well.

2. Defining Functional and Data Elements

  • The Tigers can jump over and kill a Goat if there isn't another Goat or Tiger in next grid.
  • A Tiger cannot jump over another Tiger.
  • A Goat cannot jump over Tiger and other Goats.
  • Once the Goat are on the board they are unmoveable till all the 20 Goats are on the board.
  • Once a Goat is killed, it will be moved to diffrent screen real state with reduced alpha.
  • Once a Goat is killed, it will not be able to move backed to the board.
  • When more than 5 Goats are killed, the Tiger wins the game.
  • On a new game first move is of Goat.
  • When it is Goats turn, it will highlight Goat and reduce the alpha of Tiger and visa versa.
  • I the same matter, when a user mouse overs on one of the button it shoud have some reaction so that they know it's working. When its turn of the player1 (Bag), the Goats should be static or unmoveable.
  • There should be a function of timer, so that a user have to make move with in a minute or will loose their turn.
  • Way to make it visible what goats are alive and what are killed. Probably a reduced alpha value.
  • When the game is finished, or there are no more moves a message on congraluating the winner.

3. Determine Functional Groups and Hierarchy

The design is made for 600 x 800 screen real state. It is on 2 panes design. The main game is on 500 x 500 screen real estate on the right hand side. Spacer will be 10 px. Left hand side will have the game name followed by Goats initial position and indicator whose turn it is. Left hand side screen real estate is 270 px.

4. Sketch the Interaction Framework



5. Construct Key Path Scenarios

Once the page is up the first thing a player will see is the game screen. By default the Goat has to make the first move. Underneath the Players button there will be a game rules button. When clicked it will open a rules in a seperate window so that they can check the rules while playing the game.

6. Check Design with Validation Scenarios

Once the Goat makes its move, i.e. put it on the checker board, the goat button alpha will change to .5 and the alpha of Tiger will change to 1. Hence, giving visual clue to the palyer. And once the Tiger makes its move, its alpha will change to .5 and Goats will 1.
When it's turn of the Tiger and it tries to move the Goat it will give an error message shaking the Goat like in mac when wrong password is entered and visa versa.

Moves need to be variable so that works in the dimension of the game is changed.
Something like. _jump = game.height / 4.

Timer Class:
Needs to make move with in a min

Active Player:
Needs to show whos turn it is.

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